As usual, new year revealed new Oscar nominations and movie madness has been spread all over the globe once again. Colegio Divina Patora in city of León was not an exception! Therefore our Secondary and Baccalaureate students had a great opportunity to refresh their knowledge about many famous movies and classical scenes trough play 'Action!' performed by Face 2 Face Theatre Company in English language. And to get a good laugh too because the play is actually parody of different film genres and scenes from some of most important movies of 20th century cinematography as Casablanca, Gladiator, Star Wars and others. But our student were not just passive observers, they also have had a chance to get their few minutes of fame by joining actors on the stage and stepping into shoes of typical cowboy, bar-lady or legendary Sam who had to play his famous song to make Humphrey Bogart fallen in love again.
For younger students there were organized two more plays in English language according to their level of comprehension and interests. Primary students had opportunity to experience everything but typical story of Robin Hood who happens to be a girl and the youngest ones to become part of dancing and amusing ‘Jungle Fever’.
After lights were out, hope remains that these events helped increasing positive attitude towards foreign language among our students and contributed in preparing them for the biggest play of all called life.